Risong Technology Won the Commendation of Advanced Unit for Epidemic Prevention in 2022

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Risong Technology has been actively practicing the core value of "responsibility" of enterprises, actively responding to the national provincial, municipal and street epidemic prevention policies, taking multiple measures to implement the main responsibility for epidemic prevention and control, earnestly implementing the requirements of normalized prevention and control, ensuring the health and safety of enterprise employees, and ensuring the orderly development of enterprise operation and production.

Recently, Guangzhou Risong Intelligent Technology Holding Co., Ltd. was awarded the title of "exemplary organization for Epidemic Prevention Work in 2022 in Yunpu Street, Huangpu District People's Government, Guangzhou".

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Risong Technology has been actively practicing the core value of "responsibility" of enterprises, actively responding to the national provincial, municipal and street epidemic prevention policies, taking multiple measures to implement the main responsibility for epidemic prevention and control, earnestly implementing the requirements of normalized prevention and control, ensuring the health and safety of enterprise employees, and ensuring the orderly development of enterprise operation and production. At the same time, taking the initiative to shoulder the responsibility and mission of supporting the society to fight the epidemic, and using its own technological strength to actively act in the prevention and control of the epidemic, reflect the high level of public welfare action and social responsibility of listed companies.

—— Actively Respond to the Epidemic, Normalize, Firmly Implement, and Do Not Relax——

2022 is the third year of the COVID-19 epidemic and an important year to win the decisive battle of epidemic prevention and control. Risong Technology firmly implements the normalized epidemic prevention and control policy and does not relax. It constantly imposes strict requirements in daily production and operation, takes multiple measures simultaneously, builds its own safety defense line, and effectively maintains the safety and stability of the national industrial chain supply chain.

Risong Technology effectively ensures the smooth production of the enterprise by regularly organizing nucleic acid testing for all employees, normalization of epidemic prevention and control inspections, regular disinfection of key epidemic areas in the park, daily collection of employee health status, attention to and strengthening control of key populations, and other measures. At the same time, the "Emergency Response Plan for the COVID-19" was formulated, and the disease control department was kept in close contact to strictly implement the latest epidemic prevention and control measures.

According to incomplete statistics, as of October 18, Risong Technology organized a total of 39 times and 17457 people to conduct nucleic acid testing within the enterprise in 2022. Within the enterprise, responding to the health department to achieve the goal of "receiving all kinds of vaccine and planting all kinds of vaccine", the enterprise should take the lead. After receiving the government's notification on epidemic prevention and control, the company immediately organizes its employees to conduct a comprehensive investigation and troubleshooting on whether they have visited key areas, and requests and arranges relevant personnel to conduct nucleic acid testing and work at home, actively reducing pressure for the intense epidemic prevention and control work.

—— Organize volunteer service teams to donate materials to overcome difficulties——

Risong Technology has actively fulfilled its social responsibilities and quickly established a volunteer service team based on the needs of epidemic prevention and control. It has convened a group of party members and mass employees to participate in the prevention and control work in the community, assisted in the nucleic acid screening work, and assisted in the epidemic prevention and control work with practical actions, demonstrating the spirit of the enterprise to shoulder its responsibilities and contribute to the society.

The epidemic prevention and control struggle is a national war, and Risong Technology is always ready for the anti epidemic action. During the epidemic, Ryson Science and Technology donated and sponsored the project of Guangdong Charity Federation to prevent, control and fight against COVID-19, the ambulance of Huanggang City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Hubei Province, and learned that the Yunpu Sub district Office in Huangpu District, Guangzhou City had a large demand for epidemic prevention materials, and donated epidemic prevention materials for it at the first time to meet the demand for prevention and control.

—— Give play to the power of intelligent manufacturing to promote the production capacity of epidemic prevention materials——

At the beginning of the epidemic, epidemic prevention materials such as masks were in short supply. Upon learning that GAC Group was about to build an intelligent production line for masks, Risong Technology dispatched a technical team to the site as soon as possible to provide technical support free of charge to assist in the efficient and rapid advancement of the intelligent production project for masks. It not only embodies the obvious advantages of intelligent manufacturing technology in improving production efficiency, but also embodies the spirit of Ruisong people to overcome difficulties and work hard.

With the efforts of Guangqi Group and Risong's technical personnel day and night, the installation and commissioning of five intelligent production lines for masks were finally completed in less than 10 days, and the mass production of the production line for masks was finally achieved. In the future, with the completion of more equipment installation and commissioning, the production capacity of masks will gradually increase, reaching a daily output of 1 million, effectively ensuring the supply of epidemic prevention materials.
The significance of commending the advanced epidemic prevention is not only to play a exemplary and leading role, promote the spirit of the times, and shoulder social responsibilities, but also to inspire us to cautiously and consistently achieve comprehensive victory in the fight against the epidemic. Don't forget the way you came and move forward courageously.
I hope that all sectors of society will not forget their original intentions and courageously shoulder their mission. The more difficult and difficult they face, the more courage and confidence they need to win. With one heart and one mind, we will work together to overcome difficulties and comprehensively defeat the virus epidemic. It is just around the corner!

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